Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday and the hour is near

Well, as I sit and drink my coffee WITH LOTS OF CREAM, I think to myself, "Man, I am going to miss coffee, and surely the cream!" Then I think what the coffee does to my bladder everyday and I surely won't miss going to the bathroom all morning. So one can just take a negative and turn it around! And I think I will have to do that a lot come this weekend. Plus, after reading my book and finding out what is allowed in my cream, I have to not think about it to drink it. If you want to know what the FDA allows in milk and dairy products, look it up on google. I won't post it here just in case my friend Dawn reads this, as she loves milk and I don't want to spoil it for her. But you'll find it most disgusting. Another interesting fact about milk is that milk is the number one allergen causing food there is. Since we lose our ability to break down lactose at two years old, our bodies produce antibodies to dairy when we consume it, therefore our body is always under attack when ingesting milk/dairy, therefore causing inflammation and allergies. Interesting! If you think about it, it makes no sense for a grown anything to drink any milk at all. Even horses know to wean their babies at about one. So think about that one..................

I'm off to the day, my mind busily pondering what my life will feel like a few weeks from now.

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