Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day One...............I feel like

SHEEYAT! This blog is not family friendly, just a warning to you. Thank God for Dawn, as we went out to the mall and toodled around town for the day and it pretty much kept me busy or I would have been in bed the whole day. I guess the transition is a HUGE shock to the ole system and I have the worst headache known to man. Not to mention I am about half high out of my head. Can't think too straight. The good news is, I made it through day one. And the amazing part is this....

day one waking blood sugar 256 (traditional with me, very high, doctor would shit! Took 50 units of long acting insulin last night.)

two hours after breakfast on day one150 (a miracle and perfectly normal for a non diabetic, of course you could hardly call what I ate breakfast! Can't wait to be able to have some rice or beans or soup or something that you could vaguely call breakfast. Fruit maybe!!?!)

Later in the day I took it again and it was 140, the lowest it's been WITH INSULIN, not to mention I DID NOT TAKE ANY SHORT ACTING INSULIN AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! NONE ZERO ZIPPO! Not one unit all day long!

Unbelievable. Now the neat thing is I was out all day and did the right thing, THEN went to dinner with Bill and friends and had only a salad. I concentrated on enjoying their company, in between the throbbing of my head. Going without caffeine for two days might be contributing to this headache, but I weaned myself off coffee by Thursday, so not sure about that. And when I got home, my son's girlfriend had sent me a bouquet of flowers, without my son's knowledge!!! What a sweetheart. I was bragging to Bill about my son and his girlfriend, called to thank them, and Kyle knew nothing about it! Poor guy. He went from hero to ordinary in two seconds!

So I wake up on Sunday morning, take my blood sugar and it's 186. 50 points less than my usual AND I took half my long lasting insulin last night. I was afraid to take the regular amount since things were going so well.

Here's the part that makes me sad. I am definitely mourning right now. Not for the food I will miss, but for the life I could have had years ago if I'd just known, or looked harder at the situation. I mourn for the people who are dying from diabetes, who are stuck with stupid doctors and the drug companies that are killing them little by little. And all they have to do is eat vegetables???? A crime against the American people is being committed. The sadness overwhelms me.

I begin day two with hopes that I can get rid of this horrible headache, and hopefully in a day or so start to feel a bit better. I am sure the toxins and the adjustment is an enormous change for my body. It's funny, my mind is doing well with the transition as far as not obsessing over food, but my body is revolting!

Until next time...........................I remain raw.


  1. Congratulations on your first day! Lilo, Lilo. Yes, your body is in shock! But what amazing blood sugar readings!

    Of course I want to keep getting your emails and links and news!

    I can tell you from experience that the caffeine withdrawal headaches will last a few days even with weaning. But then you will be FREE!

    Yes, we are doing terrible things to our people, starting with the food that fills our grocery stores, makes the food conglomerates wealthy and is creating a country of unwell people who then turn to the other evil conglomerates: healthcare and insurance.


    We are going out now to work in our vegetable garden!

    I love you!


  2. Congrats! Keep up the good work. You will have a headache for a few days. After all, it is a huge adjustment. You will be dizzy for up to 2 weeks, though the worse of it is usually over in one. I know you can do it. You are a lady with a will. This is worth it. Kick butt, 'cause we want you around!

    They are killing us with all the meds and the crap that is available in ths stores. Most of us don't know any better, but some of us are waking up and starting to learn. The establishment has noticed, and is trying hard to limit our options; even despite our protests. God help us all!


  3. Way to go Lilo!!!The headaches and lightheadedness are completely normal! They will disappear soon. So what did you eat? I am curious. Wow, what amazing blood sugar levels and sooooo quick to get results! That has got to be encouraging. I hope today is going well for you as well! Love ya,


  4. Thanks for all the support, guys. I eat raw veggies, raw nuts, and that's it!!!! I will post exactly what I am eating on the next blog post.
