Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 12 and almost 2/3 through the initial phase

Sounds like a college course or something, doesn't it?!?'s the deal. I am on day 12 and I'm still here and still doing it, and the best news is I haven't cheated even once. I've been to a party and out to dinner twice and didn't eat one wrong thing!

The party we went to was a real challenge. They served my favorite New Orleans brisket! Cooked all night in a special sauce and you have never tasted such wonderful meat. But I had tasted it before, so I knew what it was like, so I didn't touch it. Then some guy comes over with medium rare tri tip steak. That was hard to pass up. Not to mention everyone was drinking, etc. So I brought a bag of the ever exciting peppers and carrots and olives and such, sucked down tons of herbal teat, and didn't miss a beat. That made for a huge challenge, especially missing out on the wine. But I did it.

When we went out to dinner, Bill chose the restaurant and he picked Texas Roadhouse of all placed. If you really want to tempt a person on an all raw veggie adventure, go there!! I could have died! For your info, there is not one decent salad in the place. All stupid iceberg. Cheapest meal Bill and I ever had together. He loved it, I did not! (Is it me, or was that just a little bit cruel?? Sort of a test!! Well, screw you meat eater! I did it. I'm strong, so there! ; )

The better news is that I have a juicer on the way. I am also ordering a food processor and a dehydrator which will improve my life greatly!!! You would be amazed at what I can make with those handy items. The cost of this adventure is super high, but I guess I'm worth it. (I always thought I was, but you'll have to ask Bill. He pays the bills. Depends on the day, I bet!!!) I FINALLY got my Ebay dvd I ordered on how to make more interesting foods. THANK GOD!!!! The dvd sucks, but it did give me a lot of new ideas. This woman yacks and giggles and is a super space cadet, but thankfully there are recipes in there with all the b.s., so I finally got some decent ideas in between all her crap. She made some killer deserts all raw, no sugar, nothing but fruit and nuts. I cannot wait to be able to have fruit. I will never be so happy to eat a strawberry in my entire life!!!!!!

I bought a bunch of seeds for the garden. Glad I don't depend on myself to feed myself from the garden, but I am sure I can surely supplement that HUGE Farmer's Market bill I've got going every Thursday. Good thing I can grow dirt.

Now...........what you have all been waiting for. The numbers.

I'm down in weight, but I don't want to say how much since that could jinx my brain. Let's just say I fit well into my clothes.

I am using only......................only 13 units of insulin at night. That's IT! Down from 60. Plus..........................................................wait for it.........................

I had 123 blood sugar this morning!!! WHOO HOO!!! And, I'm managing a very NON diabetic 153 ish during the day. WITH NO INSULIN AT ALL~ Down from 60-80 units!

The report on physical well being is mixed. I have tons of energy. Of course, if you know me that has never been a problem. The weird thing is, I don't want to eat. Yep, you heard it here. I don't want to eat. I have to really think about eating and force myself to eat. It's not that I don't like the stuff I am eating, I just don't want to eat. Weird, huh? Plus, I find that I am more airheaded than usual. Stop laughing your ass off. Yes, I know. How could that possibly be? But it is. I am a total space cadet. Kinda scary, actually. Don't know why that is happening. Maybe living without coffee has messed up my brain.

So there it is. That's all the news that's fit to print as my friend, Marrion, would say. That's all there is and there ain't no more. (Dad's version.)

Guess what's for dinner?

1 comment:

  1. You frickin' rock Lilo! Cheryl and I have also been working hard to get our health back. I am proud of you and Cheryl. It is not easy making changes in our lives. I actually haven't been in this good of shape since I was a Smokejumper 13 years ago. I am down about 20 pounds since last fall, and Cheryl is down about 35 pounds, and is feeling great. You mean a lot to us, and are on the top of our prayer list every night at dinner. Yeah baby!!! Keep it up girl!! Love Ya! The Hicksters 6
