Saturday, March 6, 2010

Next Saturday

Next Saturday I am going to embark on an adventure that I never thought I could manage, nor would even attempt. I am going to go on a raw food adventure. I say adventure, because I have no intention of stopping it. The word diet always implies something that you have to do "for a time", and therefore isn't necessarily a permanent change. You hear people say, "When I get off this diet, I'm going to............." whatever it is, but it isn't staying on the diet. I need an adventure! I love exploring new things, and that is what I'm considering this new life! An exploration!

I am nervous. I am scared shitless! But I am going to do this because I am determined and I want to live. I want to live so badly, that I am willing to change my entire life built around gourmet cooking and eating so that I might be able to have a full and healthy life and not become beaten and debilitated by my enemy, diabetes!! Join me and read about my successes and failures, thoughts and feelings, and certainly what will ultimately be quite the adventure.

1 comment:

  1. You are one of the strongest-willed people I know, Lilo. Like everything else you do, you'll turn this into a great success -- humor intact. :) Love you!
    --Jamie Ch.
