Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 22.... Now what?

More of the same. That's what! Nothing exciting, but some time this weekend I am going to have a grapefruit. I live for it. I will pick a time that my blood sugar is "normal" and see what the effect is. If it encourages me to have high blood sugar then obviously I won't be doing that again. But I am going to try it. I had hummus the other day and that didn't seem to hurt me. It's "allowed" but I had not ventured into the hummus world for fear I would goof things up.

I have discovered I am not a huge green fan. I like lettuce and spinach fine, but that's about it. I need to branch out. I have pulled out lots of raw food recipes and made a bunch of stuff, but it's not all that different tasting since it's all pretty much the sos. No complaints, but I need some different tastes, and fruit can be a life saver for me right now.

Having little to say, I'll make this one short and I'll check back in with more interesting comment. I am somewhat in a coma right now, it's early, and my brain is toast. TOAST? Did someone say toast?? Sigh.............

Guess what's for breakfast?


  1. Lilo, I can't sleep. Have been up since 2:00 am. But the good part is I went to read you blog and saw all the good news! You are amazing and so are your results. I am very, very proud of you!! I am so glad that you are seeing results of doing this, since I know it was hard to take the big first step. But now you're here and look at you!
    Enjoy your easter grapefruit. Hey, it's jsut like a big fruity tasting egg, right?
    Talk to you soon?

  2. Lilo: I haven't checked your site is awhile, but I am so impressed by your commitment, progress and growing confidence. You are doing it!

    Keep up the good work and drop me a line.

